.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Monday, July 26, 2004
4:30 AM

hmm... went to Pulau Ubin for bike for bibles yesterday... hmm, very interesting... tried carrying the drums yesterday. It's was cool overall but was traumatised when i carried the bass drum.. was scary seriously...The snarl drums were much better, love them! Biking was fun too, although i didnt really like the bike that i was given, was creeky... arghh. nvm. love drums. love drums. love drums. they really are awesome! Yea! Hope i will never have to drop drums. sigh, seniors left. :[. me miss them.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004
11:23 AM

heyhey, very long never long already... last sat<17th> was sec 4 farwell... So sad, Amelia, Junli, Phoebe and Elsie leaving us for a few months. That's what i hope. Hope they all farewell in their 'O' levels... I believe God will bless them and make sure they come back after their exams! I cant wait for that day to arrive!
Haha, that day was fun... although it was a bit rushy. hmm, ame and I had to rush to buy presents.... then, when we reached Li-anne's house, we hurrily wrote a message to them... I wrote for Amelia and Junli! yea! They rulez! hehe... actually all my seniors rulez lah... hehe, im not really bias.... 
Our performance was the commerial thing! I thought it was a great success*grins grins*. I really think it was... and the food was great! all thanks to may-anne and li-anne! Too bad, Phileo wasnt here.. They missed out all the fun... And I love all my seniors' gift! esp amelia's and Elsie's... was a very good memorial to me... 
Sigh... i really wanna thank all of them... There are countless things i wanna thank. Like on the 17th, when Allan was sick, thank you amelia and Junli for making an effort to come down to teach us although madam kour did most of the teaching. Thank you Valerie for being so forgivin when i kept forgetting to bring my outreach folder. thank you Melissa for helping me pin up my sash  on the first day when I had to wear my uniform. Thank you all the chairpersons for makin the whole year's activities run so smoothly...
haha, okay, the most interesting part... We awarded the sec 4 seniors with awards.. haha, made by AGAPE ourselves! yea! okay, Elsie got the 'best public speaker award', phoebe got the 'most complicated name award', Amelia got the 'laughiest award' , junli of course got the 'lamest award', Felicia got the 'strongest shoulder award', and haha, like i always say she was, christie got the 'most high-pitched award'! haha... Hope all the sec 4 appreciate it although it was lame...
okay, that's all for today... im down with flu still... All thanks to lynette...

Tuesday, July 13, 2004
8:30 PM

heyhey, took this test... hehe, so here's the results!
Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, July 11, 2004
9:33 AM

heyhey.. a friend jus sent me this, so i decided to post it up... hehe...

about daniel radcliffe
Name: Daniel Alan Radcliffe
DOB: 23rd july, 1989
hair colour: dark brown
eye colour: brillant blue
fav.director: [of] The Sixth Sense
svhool subject: science, art and PE
Sports: soccer, gymnastics

about rupert grint
Name: Rupert Grint
DOB:24th august, 1988
provenance: Hertfordshire, England
Hair colour: red
eye colour: green
sibilings: james, georgina, samantha, charlotte
sports: soccer

about emma watson
Name: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson
DOB: 15th april, 1990
provenance: Oxfordshire, England
Hair colour: brown
eye colour: brown
sibilings: Alex
school subject: geography and math
sports: tennis, hockey and rounders

hmm, i think that bout it till today... bye..

Saturday, July 10, 2004
9:32 PM

heyo... today got my gb fortnight to do donations again, sigh... Im perfectly well again, jus that i get pissed off by some pple... I think im using too many dots. but who cares eh? sigh, im suddenly very troubled. had a nice devotion today in gb, think i like this line the best: you can whisper in a crowd to Him. haha, monday is gb day. will be in uniform for the whole day... will have to greet all teachers, sayin "morning ma'am". whatever. im sick. still think drums the best. like today when we had a rehearsal today, the bagpipers sounded horrible... but nvm, we are a band, we shall stay as one always, hehe.

There's something in my heart, but it is not affecting me much. I cant really define what it is, i jus cant. it's like half of something and half of another. Joy jus told me again not to spell okay. she wants me to spell it as 'ok'. but i jus cant, can anyone understand? I jus cant help it, it jus come naturaly, it's jus like you like someone but you cant explain why... hehe, joy, you understand?

haha, i asked amelia and dexter... so dexter is in 1i, so i doubt any hildan is in his class. okay, i shall end here.

Friday, July 09, 2004
8:22 PM

sigh... don know what crap this is...

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Super-Cool!
Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here.
Cool quizzes at

Thursday, July 08, 2004
9:18 PM

hehe.. went to do this thing... so here is the results...
Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you:Sense of Humour
In a survival situation, you:Act crazy as a diversion
Your hidden talent is:Spiritual wisdom
Your gift is:Athletic ability
In groups, you:Act as host/ess
Your best quality is:Your industriousness
Your weakness is:Your overbearing nature
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

8:22 PM

sigh... today is a horrble day too, although my finger is slightly better.. Gladys asked me who chuan yi was, and sandra also asked me if i know who chuan yi was and if i know who gabriel from gep is. sigh, why is everyone asking me if i know someone by the name blah-blah?

fieldtrip was today. we visited qianhu fish farm, aerogreen and everbloom which was the vegetable and mushroom farm respectively. It was fun, esp the mushroom farm. hehe. quite enjoyed myself, but...

Terrible day, i lost my chairman badge!!! It was on my shirt this morning! i guess it fell off... now what to do???Arghh... Im totally freaked out by myself! Im upset but it's a kind of sadness that no words can express.. Ms Ha talked to me today, asked me quite a number of things. i feel stress.. i finally feel it, after so long being in a leadership position. why? why did i suddenly feel freaked out? Thy life is in a mess.

In sooth i know not why i am so sad, my mind seems to be tossing on the sea. Let me say that i am sad cos im not happy. why? my life seems to be an empty shell. i seem to be living in a world controlled by others, doing what im ordered to do, living in fear. why? there is jus so many answers to my questions, every single one jus more impossible than the first, so will i ever find a perfect answer to my problems, will will i ever live like this?

People out on the streets may think im fine. but the truth is, im not. who will ever understand the torture im going through in my heart? it's never the same. in this world, you meet alot of people. Some come and go quickly, some stay for a while and leave footprints in your hearts, but one thing for sure, we are never ever the same. believe me, we are never ever the same, even you look and sound the same, you will at least be different in your thoughts and moods at a point of time.

i think i shall end of here. but no matter how upset i am, i stil look forward to a new day! :], one's fate can jus change in a day!

Tuesday, July 06, 2004
7:48 PM

haiz... Im bored... Yesterday went out with joy, lydia, emelyne and shenna... Guess what? we saw jourdan,jourdan's bro, thaddeus and jason... hehe, they kinda changed... esp thaddeus, almost couldnt recognise him...

sigh, today is a Terrible day... I injured myself... fingers bleeding like mad... wanna cry... anyway, i cant believe jourdan is my friend after hearing what Grace Zhang said... she said jourdan is terrible, always bully her when she was pri 3.. always shoot rubber bands at her.. and when she was pri 4, she once saw jourdan at the library, and although she hated her, she went over to say "hi". and horrible jourdan applied medicated oil on his hands and hit her eyes. horrible, horrible...

never mind... today had been fine, although i still have some problems with my clique, but that doesnt matter anymore... okay, this is the longest post i have ever had by now, and im gonna end it... so till we meet again, it's your heart that leads you...