.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Thursday, August 26, 2004
6:47 PM

Hey! its kinda a lucky week for me. My parents got me X-box, a three-in-one printer and said i can get my braces soon! YEA!!!!!!!! GETTING braces! Im very happy bout it. la-di-la-di-la, getting at the same place as Cheryl once EOY or EOI finishes. yohho... me very happy!

sigh... bet i did badly in english today...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
9:15 AM

haha! today was the MOST embarrassing day of my life... very very embarrassing! oh my god lah, my face was burning red! okay, let me break it down.. They jus kept getting worse and worse...

Firstly, during chinese. my parnters, Shu Yu and Lei Can respectively, suddenly tickled me. And i cant stand tickles, so i jumped. shot bout 5 cm. lolz. and so, it cuaght my chinese teacher's attention.. and she was damn angry, Very, and so i was embarrassed for the first time of the day.

Secondly, it was after school during a briefing given by my principal and deputy principal 2. okay, i was drinking water, then my stupid nike bottle made a funny noise and again caught everyone's attention. and people started laughing including the principals. arghh. total embarrassment. was trying to hide my face, but of course to no avail...

okay, the last one and the MOST embarrassing one. all thanks to my perfect SLs friends... helping to promote the matter. Well, it happened during third lang. I got back my workbook and suddenly realised a guy called ' Edward' wrote in my book. he wrote on two different exercises. he wrote ' Edward was here' and ' Edward read your book'. That's normal right? And my dear friends made a BIG fuss out of it. sigh. They went catcalling all throughout the lesson. Worst thing is that my teacher was helping them... " Edward very handsome you know, theodora..." arghh. And the whole class was laughing at my superly red face. and the worst thing was that since Edward was in the class after mine, my friends resolved to staying back to find out who that person is. as in, see outside the class who it is.

okay okay, i think that's enough. enough of embarrassing myself... anyway, SLs got through auditions! Yea! like i said, we rawk! Rawk on pple!

Sunday, August 22, 2004
11:03 AM

hey pple! today was fun... erm, not entirely. was rushing through all my work.. was quite nice rushing through them though, *grins*, you must be thinking im crazy. lolz.

anyway, later japheth told me that they are having BQ later. so good luck yea? beat Victoria School. I think VS is horrible, they make all those who have no music background join band. yucky.

hmm, auditions results haven't come out yet. but hope we get in. I believe that our efforts will be paid off eventually! YEA! TERM 2 SLs ALL ROCK!

Saturday, August 21, 2004
11:50 AM

heY! Today was fun, really, seriously. Im selected to go back for the student emmissaries! Yea! well, maybe all the lessons were fun except for CLE. It was TERRIBLE, very. hmm, CLE teacher was torturing us... wanna cry...

anyway, today i earned myself a nickname-- shuai di-di/ shuai ge... lolz. my friends insisted on that name... lolz. i kept telling them im NOT a boy and i don look SHUAI in any way. arghh. anyway, they added that if im really a boy and my hair is changed, then i will look very shuai. arghh. yucks. cant believe it. I look SHUAI. err.... anyway, all this came sbout from silly serene,lolz. I told her she was cecil, i wanted to add pretty too, but i forgot what it was in malay. arghh. lolz.

well, another thing. The SLs humilated ourselves today. lolz. we danced. hehe. audition for teachers' day was today.. it was quite unorganised but it was quite alright overall. hope we get through the interview.. hmm. oh well, i think i shall end here, that's all today... *grins*

Friday, August 20, 2004
7:42 AM

hey pple! great day today! had our chinese test today! VeRy VeRy glad it is gone.. that means i only left two projects left with four tests... lolz...

anyway, today term 2 SLs spent like half of our lunches to practise the dance for teachers' day... tmr is auditions already... hope it will go well, everyone will do their best! Yea! lolz. im lame.

Love my blog! but... Evil CK went to put me as squishy... im not, or am i? nvm. erm... lessons today was nice until science... it was normally my fav lesson till today. arghh. don wanna mention... oh well, shall go now... till we meet again, theodora...

Wednesday, August 18, 2004
10:21 AM

heyhey! so happy today! finally got myself to work! but exams coming... alot alot alot... so sad, looks like i got to work hard these few days. lolz. haha, love my blog! me-to-you bear is cool! erm, got alot of likes too. sigh, is there any more female characters left for me, gladys and ame to do???

greetings, people. this is ck being evil. i've hacked into tiddyora's blog and added links, as requested. bwahaha!

Monday, August 16, 2004
12:51 PM

Hey! very long haven blog! very very long. doing some last minute work on this blog of course. sigh. going to change this skin soon... anyway, lots of projects and tests now... very very tired. but still found time to go online. whee. oh well, shall go now. jus finished my performance task. lolz. bye!