.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Monday, April 25, 2005
7:45 AM

wheeeee! taking a break from my history performance task. have been trying to find info since 2 plus but to no avail. all crap. sighsigh. hahaz, mr. fighting is very nice. yay! prince of tennis tooo!!! whee! go RYOMA! ryoma rawk lahh... nvr lose a single tennis match. yay. me loves SEIGAKU tennis sch team. they alll sooooooo cool! hahahahahz. esp tezuka and ryoma. haiz. hope ryoma wont lose any match and he will be stronger, hahahz.

haiz. shall stop here and finish my hist. then i can go slack. hahahhaz.

Sunday, April 17, 2005
2:01 PM

yay!!! my birthday coming!! jus two days away! wahahahahaz. turning 14. yay! cant believe im 1 day younger than ailin. and she's SMALLER than me! ahhh! lolz.

wheeeee!!! im feelling soo happy today! lalalz. this morning had enrolment rehearsal at kampong kapor methodist chruch.. hahahz, enrolment is tmr and im drumming! yay! hahaz, playing rowan tree and as the deer panther for the water with the SAME drum scroe. whoa! who would believe it? the drummers only learnt the score yesterday at 3 pm in school and we sounded quite oksy today! yay! gr8 achievement for me. hahahz, although i know it's very easy. hahz. but nvm.. cant wait for the sec one item tmr. they sounded so funny today.. although they were abit un-enthu. but well.. blehh. yay! finally getting lanyard and pocket crest tmr. very last minute. lolz.

started on sci pt today also. went to jill's hse. got like 50% of it done? i hope so. haven really started on hist yet. im soooo dead. hist is due on week 5! ahhh. i jus realised how much i didnt study. geog test on week 5 too! and eng test too! diediedie. so much commitments and so much to do. just cant wait for exams to be over. sigh.

kaez, i shall go now to do my hist. only done the cover page, blehh. im soo slow.

Friday, April 08, 2005
10:13 PM

heyy. finally posting. sigh. secretly too. decided to write in PROPER english to day so as to prevent my dear friend carmen lim to say that im "LIAN". lolz. anyway, very hectic week ahead. sigh. sat is gb banner making competition, then sunday got cancer daffodil day and mon is sports fest!!! even better, tue is school declared holiday! yay! but still have to go down to jervios special school for service-learning. haha. playing the drums for sports fest. im keeping my hands crossed, hope taht maris wedding will turn out fine. still trying to perfect my rolls and memorising the song. hehe. JIAYOU to myself. haha. I don care.. going to make rowena play the snarl drums for enrolment, i play bass. so much easier. is this considered as daylight bully?

haiz. today so boring. okay, i shall go now. mum coming. bb.

free me of this torture
you are the only one
where are you