.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
11:17 AM

WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soooo hyper now. hahahz. came back from gb camp jus today. GB camp as in st' hilda's GB camp. was soooo good to be back in st' hilda's. hahaz, was 3 days, that's why soo long nvr blog. was sorted into Hunny B's along with nicole. hahaz. i realise i'm ALWAYS with Nicole a.k.a Nathaniel a.k.a Niel in camps. hahza. then we did this silly litte thing that is suppose to test whether you are fated to meet or something like that, then nicole's hand was the same as mine. lolz, worse still is that some of the pple in my grp calls me nicole's twin. i soooo don look like niel!!! hahaz. so fun. hahaz, shenna was there tooo!!! so long nvr see her already.

oh. Hunny B's grp leader is my brother's classmate, so funny. had soo much fun with the games. i think we rawk! yay! ohoh, the weirdest game i played i the macoroni throwing game. lolz. had to smear my face with Gilmer shaving cream and let the kids throw macoroni on my face and see which grp can get most macoroni. hahz, so crap. and the shaving cream burns. was sooo hot after a while, like my eyes are tearing and stuff like that. the funnest game was the night walk. i think we freaked most of them out. Niel was teh poor women with 46 children! not bad right, niel?? a guy can give birth, hahaz. hiyah.. my mum is askin me to stop here. i shall continue tmr then. whee!!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005
10:23 AM

come Holy spirit fall on me now.

i need your anointing come in your power

i love you Holy spirit

You're captivating my soul

and everyday

I grow to love you more

I'm reaching for your heart

You hold my life in your hand

drawing me closer to you

i feel your power renew

Nothing compares to this place

where i can see you face to face

i worship you in spirit and in truth

yuppz. this is the song we sang in CG today. really a very meaningful for me. and i like it alot. It really shows how much God loves and and how nuch He cares for us. It's like it's endless and unconditional. i mean, it's really something great. yuppz. i hope we can really hit 100 regulars for YOUth fellowship by June. hahaz, going to target my friends in school. hahaz. so if you are my friend, beware.... hahahz.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005
11:48 AM

OH MY GOODNESS! today is the strangest day that ever happen to me. yuppz, really strange. let me start off with a lighter note first. haiz. i FINISHED with all my EOIs already. hahz, last paper today is MALAY and i screwed it up okay? this is so crap. yes, crap. TMR im going shopping with phoebe and buying presnts too. hahz, can relax and unwind from that EOIs and PTs stress. i hope my biology PT comes back with good results or else i think i will cry. I never screw my SCIENCE up so badly before. if it comes back with horrendous marks, i think i will fail my science for 1st semester. yuckz. i think i will be emotionaless and be even more quiet than i already am now. I never screw science up so badly before. haiz. i so don know whatcha do. hahz. nvm. linked more pple this few days. so happy. finally done that. PLUS i went on friendster and wrote testi for amelia and carmen. hahz. i shall write for ayam and ruyun maybe this weekend. wheee! ;)

okayy. now for that weird thing. It's really weird lah. i know i saw that person before, but i don know where and when. I'm quite sure because the person also recognises me. hahz, as in we kept glancing at each other and i jus felt i look so stupid at that tume. hahz, jus because the person look so familiar, i keep looking and looking. It happened on the bus when i was going home from MOELC today. Then when it neared my stop, i went to the exit and this person also wanted to alight. then we jus happen to look up and i realised the person looked so familiar. I'm so sure the person recognises me. hahaz, so funny, then when we alight at the bus stop, we kept turning around and glancing at each other until the person leaves. [i was suppose to change bus] hahaz, and until now im still trying to recall who that person is, although i have a faint idea who is it.

hahaz, i shall stop now, this is very long. byee.

Monday, May 09, 2005
11:07 AM

wheee! hahaz. this is pathetic. Others have already finish their EOIs and im still left with malay. so stupid. and because of that i have to miss GB for the 2nd week. sighh. and i cant seem to get my malay right anyway. Thank God this time it's only a listening compre and an open-ended compre. Topics are sports and hobby. hahahz. at least abit related. but i jus cant get them into my brain. shant bother. jus going to mug tmr in sch then. this is so stupid. hahaz.

cant wait for ORA. bet its going to be fun. GB stall is going to rock. i KNOW it. hahaz.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005
10:59 PM

argh. frustration. pissed. irritation. arghhhhh. i cant stand it. cant anyone get some privacy over the comp reading sci ppt slides without mum asking this and that? gosh. im veryveryvery pissed kaez? firsr ever time so. i cant bloddy hell care! ahh. WHATEVER. *vents anger* GOSH GOSH GOSH ahhhhhh. today is a horrible day. yucks. literature essay was horrid. chinese paper was screwed. and now, comp time being invaded. ahh. nagging that i must try do well. goodness, like who wouldnt put in their best in eoi? whatever. yes i know i always look sleepy and i do work in that hack-care look on my face with my eyes half-closed, but i still do try to make my answers as good as i can. ahhh. jus feel like punching all that's alive in me out lah! then i can be dead or else act dead and ignore everyone in school and anywhere else. not like it will make any diff. i doubt anyone will notice. hiyah. this is so xian. even bloggin is getting me piss now. yucky. i don care. going off now. going to be that "good-little tempered" girl and study. whatever.