.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005
11:36 AM

hey! hahz. im finally posting. hmm. and i changed my skin. sigh. lost everyone's blogadd. now have to re-link pple. sian. hahz.

on a brighter note, CHINESE CULTURAL CAMP RAWKS! oh my gosh! this is like the BEST Camp i have ever attended although it's in chinese. hahaz. yes. letme tell you...

1st day..
went to my hostel which is Blk 71, level 4 room 1476. hahaz,and found out im in wudangpai. hahaz, in pinyin. (: yay! my grp mentors are yixin and shunshen(am i right?) but anyway, they are very very very nice and they are like the most caring gls in the world loh. bought us noodles when other grps had to eat bread for supper. hahah. (:
anyway, we got our skit compulsory lines and actions. they are using the journey to the west lyrics ( only you blah, only you blah, without you blah, i need you blah.) haha, the action is hitting bowls with chopsticks. then my grp mate let me hear the thing and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOO funny. wahahahahahah, my gl thot i was crazy cos i was laughing like crazy. lolz. okayy. i know that doesnt make alot of sense but nvm.

2nd day
hmm. lecture lecture and blah.. hahaz. shall skip all this first and go on to the night where we stayed up to prep for our skit. they didnt give us ANY time to practise. sigh.
i was a bad guy.. hahahz. someone craving after the tang shan zang meat.. lolz. the bad pple got 8. haha, and there was only 1 guy. haha. then the tang shan zang was the smallest person in my grp. like only 140++ lolz. sunwukong was of course tall and well-bulit and all that lah. hahaz. we slept like around 2..

3rd day
hahaz, i shall also skip all the parts and go on to our skit prep. lolz, we finalise roles today arnd 6.. hahaz and im the laoda for the baddies cos im the smallest among all the baddies. haha, my grp leader wanted it to be contrasting cos the sunwukong is like 180++. sooo tall lah. but he's a guy. lolz. and im supposed to be carried by 2 of my "followers" so that i will be taller than that stupid wukong who is sooo tall. *bish* nvm. (:
hahaz, and you know how i got defeated by wukong? he shouted "tiger" and i will turn around, and he slap my face and i die. lolz, it was soooooo stupidly FUNNY and i was trying sooo hard not to laugh. oh yah, i spent like 4hrs practising "bu siao gong" (not to laugh.) lolz, but i highly doubt it worked, cos when my "followers" tried making me laugh, i laughed. lolz.

oh yes, i earned myself a new name "key siao da wang" hhahahz. (:

4th day
sigh. last day of camp. was sooo sadd. haiz. i really really love my grp mates although i didnt mix alot with some of them. haha, but they were really fantastic. esp my grp leader. (: very enthu and nice. 3 cheers for her! (: i thought our performance went great! i mean, i managed to hold my laughter till the end and we didnt make mistakes if im not wrong hahaz. but, i did forgot what to say and luckily my "chair" reminded me by poking me and telling me to turn around. hahaz, yes, my "chair". my "chair" is VERY nice. hahaz. at least that's what i think, cos im so heavy and im sitting on my "chair". hahaz and was nice enough to tell me i wasnt heavy. hahaz (: and my "chair" will remind me to say my line when i forget! and will tell me when to go on stage! haha, my "chair" rawks the most in my whole part loh, or else i think i will really screw up this whole thing. haiz. oh yes,thanks also to those two who carried me so that i can be taller than wukong. well done too for not dropping me. lolz, (: but anyway, i really had lots of fun being the laoda of the bad guys' gang and if it is possible, i want to re-play this skit again! (: