.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Thursday, October 13, 2005
8:53 PM

heheh. yay! 2nd last day of official school lessons! (: after this is EOYS! im very hyper about EOYS! cos after EOYS then i can SLACK! hehehehehe. (: whoa. year 2 pass very fast leh... hehehe. but im still looking forward to MONDAY! heheheheh. then FRIDAY will come quickly! hehehe. although when friday comes it would mean that stupid drama nite rehearsal is about to come. ): oh well. nvm

haha. this is boring i realise. but MR MIZAR HAS A FMA WATCH! hehe. nice. although i think the prince of tennis one is nicer. (: sry, but im bias. (: hehe.

oh well. i shall stop here. have to do the hist notes le... ):

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
12:15 AM

helo helo. im in a very depressed mood. sigh. yuck. i really hate this feeling. yuck. sigh.

clique conflict. i hate being stuck in the middle. and i don know why all this is happening. it's like, we are a clique for like 1 year already, and why is all these happening? i REALLY thought we were okay. YES, i notice things. more than people think i notice. we have been drifting apart, jill i mean, but i thought it was nothing much. why continue being nice with us when you cant stand us? this is so unlike her. sigh. what happened??? yuck. and when i read the entry bout you building walls around you and whatever moat thing, i feel even worse. i feel stuck in the middle, well im practically always stuck in the middle, but that doesnt really make a difference to this. but being in the middle is seiously not nice.

damn, why do we always end up in disagreements? i might not be saying this if im on teh receiving end, but im really glad im not, cos i don know how to survive then. it's terrible, right pple? sigh. i read all the stuff. didnt know so much "walls" around us.

terrible mood. i don know how i could still be quite the "normal" me today. but feel so hollow inside. not nice feeling... will drift off if there is time... that's why was telling bhuvan that will start feeling empty and in deep thoughts if i got nth to do.. which is bad. and that is why i have been keeping myself quite occupied today. until end of school. until now. although was talking to different people throughout the afternoon, but it jus didnt feel really right. like my heart is being stolen?? hiyah. so confusing. i don want to think of it anymore. give up le. HAIZ. someone cheer me up.

love and hate is only separated by a small margin. it only takes a spark to set it off. and now we are apart, is there any other way?

.i was here.
.am here.
.but might not be here in the future.

Sunday, October 02, 2005
1:38 AM

helo! hehe. decided to update. (;

haiz. my BT is so pitiful i jus decided. got 5 files in waiting and are all BIG files. hopefully can download finish by end of week 6 loh. although week 6 i might not even turn on my comp. sighsigh.
so much work. siao, and i jus realise how horrible my science is. i don even know them by heart yet. only know like the surface of it. yuck. how to do formative next week. THIS IS NUTS! still haven do the hist formative and teh stupid chi ying yong wen. diedie. and the RS presentation haven practise. SIAN! so much to do and so little time. stupid loh.

haiz. i have to improve on alot of my marks this EOY loh. ESP geog andlit. if not, my mum will ban me from all stuff. including downloading stuff. i dying le. sighsigh..

kaez. i should stop complaining. byebye. (: