.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Monday, March 20, 2006
7:46 PM

whee! i decided i shall blog about camp now!

YAY! camp rawk! haha, esp the POKERS! "there's something strange in gb camp, who do you call? the pokers! " hahaha. yay, pokers is my group anyway if you haven figure that out, and we are in close relationship with bridge! (: lol. yup, and my grp members are: margie, grace, yunxi, nat, tzegek and clarissa! haha, i think all of them are fantabulous! haha.

1st day: board the bus and all that. reached Port Dickson around 3pm. we took lunch and had icebreakers! haha. for icebreakers we came up with grp name(pokers) and grp cheer (hokey pokey). yup, then we went to our hotel room! haha, was rooming with ame and our room is 525, nice mumber right? palindromic. is that how you spell? haha. room 526 is lina and michelle cheong's room. haha. but the sad thing is, we didnt get a join room. ): yup, then SHOWER! haha, and had dinner. yumyum. bbq dinner. was nice. (: then after that had BIBLE QUIZ! haha, was super funny. and hilary was looking so amusing again. then had our first devotion by Mr Marc Wang. oooohhh. forgot to add that his baby boy is so CUTE! haha, i mean seriously CUTE! couldnt take my eyes off, ahh. cute cute. haha, so after eveything, we had camp comm debrief and we went back to our rooms! haha, then after SHOWERING, i went to prepare for 2nd day's quiet time so i wouldnt screw too much, although i know i will. haha. nvr led quiet time before. haha, then after that, ame and I watched Matilda on tv! hahaha. was so cool (; me loves matilda. hahah, then it ended arnd 1.30am. yup, then we went to sleep. (:

sigh sigh. kae. gtg. shall blog about day2 later or maybe tmr. (:

Thursday, March 09, 2006
10:24 PM

ahahah. YAY! no more exams for this term!!!! (: yay hahaha. me is so happy now. and i decide i should blog before i leave for port dickson. (:

hehe. tmr is swim carn! (: hope waddle wins. (: sigh..... so much holiday work. hopefully i can finish them asap. am doing physics class exercise 2 now. shall be hardworking jus for today and do my physics work. haha. going to miss ADELINE during march holidays! haha, so used to sitting beside her everyday and tell her rubbish. haha. and will miss XIAN for all her gay-xian acts with yan and everyone else. haha. (: and of course yan! (: my classmate since sec1!!! my sweetheart too! super super nice and cute!!

ahh! i give up on physics lah! totally don understand my worksheet! AHHH!!! going to ask adeline to teach me tmr. hahaha. adeline so smart.. i ask her everything she know de. (: sighsigh.

ahh. have to chiong all my work like crazy. ): and i did badly for chi compo today. didnt have any points to write. ): haha. march holidays are so not holidays. jus as busy as normal days. if not worse.. jus look at my wed schedule: morning bring recruits to army market, then go to NUS for hssrp, then go for shirim retreat. haha. and my day will at 10. so by the time i get home and all that.... sigh. don know lah. haha. (: hope A&D rehearsal on the sat of march holidays will go better than the previous one. hopefully i can get all the stuff right . hehehehe. (: JIAYOU to myself. -.0.

haha. kae. this is a long enough post. (: shall go now. byebye. (;

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
11:33 PM

woah. 2006 already. haha. and haven blogged for a long long time. haha, but i am now, after long continuous nagging from ruyun and carmen. haha. don know what to type. hmm. hssrp is going to kill me this year i think. lol. so i most probably will only blog once every 2 weeks? haha. don know yet, depends on how much time i have. (:

bleach still rawk. prince of tennis too. (: heheh.

jus finished my application letter and resume. and it's horruble. but cant really care. sigh. still have chi compo on thurs. think im going to fail it. x_x. cant write compos. arghh. then after sch on thurs shall go down to NUS library to do reserach for hssrp. haha. and friday having swim carn (hopefully waddle wins) haha. and saturday im going to port dickson!!!!!

whee! cant wait for camp. ahahahaha. going to rawk.

kaekae, going off now. shall do chem wk. ):