.theodora koh.


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Saturday, May 20, 2006
8:00 PM

sigh. how long have i not blogged? haha, i have no idea myself. my life is like dead. the only time where i feel happy and high and alive is during school or my friends! hahaha. (: but sigh.

Ms Siow jus changed out seating arrangements! SAD! i hate it! i don want! lol, but then, what to do. haha. but the saddest thing is that we didnt manage to have the last group time together before we split while the other groups have because Mr Toh (eng was last block on fri) decided to split us up for eng group work. ): boo. i will miss my group, haha, all those crappy group times and laughter we shared as a group for 1 term and 9 weeks! haha, let me elaborate! lol. im feeling like ame currently.

ZHIXIAN! the NUTTER of our GROUP! but all the same, i will miss her! lol, although i freak at her geisha moves or whatever she does to yan yee, i will TOTALLY MISS IT COS IT WILL NVR BE THE SAME WITHOUT HER! haha, yah, and i mean it. XIAN is like the JOY in my group! always makes me laugh like crazy. haha. she always will say some ridiculous stuff about *ahem. but then she nvr fails to amuse me. (: whee xian! all in all, i think you RAWK! going to miss her in my group like crazy. ): and i will nvr forget you and yan's husband-and-wife thing! (: [xian, i bet if you ever ever manage to get to my blog, you would be super happy when you read this right? cos you always like to say "i know you will miss me right?"] lol. (:

YANYEE! the BABY of our GROUP! lol, actually i don know what to describe you, but you always whine and like to sa jiao so i decided that you are the baby! hahahaha. (: yay! yan, among our group i know you for the longest time de! haha. and i think you are very funny! hahaha, all the different things you do with xian during class time and turn around and see me and addy "puking" and looking grossed-out. (: hahahah, and how xian would then say " i know you all jealous of us right?" hahah. (: sigh, all the different memories we shared! (: oh! and of course you and you million husbands and wives! like xian! (: rawk on BABY!

ADELINE! the GUY of our GROUP! haha, aka ADDY NEO! lol, and i know how much you hate it when pple call you "guy" lol. XD my sitting partner for so long. and i still remember how you were when we first started out as a group! so QUIET! like churchmouse like that! (: heh. but now, you are like a totally different person! you crap, bitch, talk rubbish, make me laugh and amused and disgusted! haha, so sad we cannot sit together anymore. ): going to be damn weird not having lessons with you sitting beside me. lol. no more joking around in class with you and laughing at yan and xian together or giving weird looks at jolene, elaine and peiting {although i must say i am highly amused whenever i hear elaine's irritated "what?!?!?"} ;p laine's gonna kill me if she ever reads this. lol. don know lah, jus that lessons are not going to be the same without our group! don you agree!?!?! i know you do although you may nvr say that out loud! haha. XD and no more "feasting" or talking crap or having discussions about certain tchers in class anymore! lol. will miss sitting with you at the back of the class!

yea! and that is my all-so-wonderful group that i have grown to love! actually, i didnt notice it until Ms Siow said that we are going to change places and it suddenly struck me as how much i will miss our crazy-crappy-random group. im like the only member of my group who is still sitting in the same position, jus that i am now sitting addy's place, still at the last row, and still a 4-member group, but group times would nvr be the same as before! and i jus realise that if there is chinese group time, there is only me and sandra! lol, since sorna and arathi sits in from of me if i am not wrong. lol, my only comfort is that i am still at the last row and at MY original row, not the window one or the door one. (: kk, i shall stop blogging and this is seriously one of teh longest post i have ever posted this year! XIAN YAN AND ADDY! I WILL MISS ALL OUR GROUP TIMES! (: