.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Sunday, July 30, 2006
9:02 PM


i don want i don want i don want!!!!!!!!!! i don want the 31st of july. i hate it. absolutely loathe it. it's making me weak and sad and depressed. it's distracting me from my work! arghh.

31st july. Although it is harry potter's birthday, it is HANDOVER. i dont want handover.. it's like the PILLAR OF SUPPORT is gone. no more turning to batch 06 when help is needed. no more assurance that no matter what happens, batch 06 will handle it. no more knowing that no matter what problem occurs, the sec4s will be able to solve it.

BATCH 06 is the batch im closest to. probably because i spend 3 out of my 4 years in GB with them. from me first coming into GB, all lost and clueless, to my third year now, facing the handover which seems to approach so quickly.

no more seniors left in this school. no more seniors to look up to. no more seniors to whine to. ARGH. this is so idiot. why must batch 06 graduate. huh. why cant the sch jus fail the whole batch06. hehe. okay, im being ridiculous. (:

argh. i give up.

Thursday, July 20, 2006
9:28 PM

woohoo! INTER-UG was yesterday! (: hahah, our batch won the performance section! whee! (: kk, i shall talk about inter-ug.

first, we had roll call and the trinity stuck pieces of paper on our back that indicated our group name and group number. i was in group 12 and it's called princess Diana. lol, jinning was placed in some other group cos her ncc seniors resorted them or something. yea, so i had no sec3 that i really knew in my group. ): then came games! MICHELLE CHEONG was the games I/C. heh, she was so cute. hehe. (: games was okay, although it wasnt exactly very engaging. lol, for the RCY bandage station our groupp dressed our model up as a spokeswoman for MAMA LEMON. cool right. hehe. (: then the background music was SPONGEbob squarepants. haha, the SPONGE FOR MAMA LEMON! yea.

haha, then came CONCERT TIME! our batch was the first item of the day and i must say we kicked off the concert section rather well! although we didnt complate the whole performance. heh, and it was really impromptu. lol, i think my batch rawks! yay go batch '07! (: i was a rcy-er and a npcc(sea)-er for a while and i had a GREAT TIME ACTING MY PART! haha, i think RCY part really rawks. XD hahah, i will nvr forget [boom boom boom , no piank!] although it was rather mean towards the ncc. okay, the guides part was rather mean to them too. heh, okay, sorry to anyone who was offended! but most pple enjoyed it i suppose cos we made everyone laugh! (: hahaha. and grace was BRILLANT haha, her "island is too far away from the audience, so now the island will move infront" was the BEST. XD we won FIRST!

kk, i shall go do LSL now. XD tmr's RHD. gonna see ame and carmen dance, go 305 and 303!

Monday, July 17, 2006
8:00 PM

GB day today! yay. haha, reach school early in the morning to get ready. and my boots actually SHONE! even though i bought them on friday. hehe. but that was cos i chiong polish for 3 days, 3-4 hours each then can shine one... hahah. hmm. parade went rather well overall. (: although chin wei fainted. it was scary, i was so shocked that i gasped (which isnt something that is common to tiddy) yea, her chin was bleeding badly. poor chinwei, her first gb day ended like that. ): but it was the sight that was so shocking, she literally fell face down. ): kk, i got my FORTNIGHT CARDS TOO! (: which means MONEY! hahaha. shall bug all my frens to donate. XD

NDP FANCY DRILL RAWKS! i have never love drill more than i have during fancy drill. (: it's like an INTER-UG interaction and doing drill at the same time! i think the guides are really nice, the ncc are really cute and the rcy are really great! (: and it's really fun although i perspire alot. whee hahah. had lots of fun drawing the heart today but it ended up lopsided to the other half of the heart. XD but we finished the whole drill procedure today (a rather graet accomplishment considering we only did 4 last week) i cant wait for fancy drill prac again! and i seriously think this sort of inter-UG stuff is better as we have fun and do serious stuff at the same time, okay, maybe it shouldnt be drill, but something more interactive where we can talk more.

INTER-UG day! haha, it's this coming wed the 19th july. hope it will go well(: it's a ncc-gb-rcy-gg-npcc(sea) day. yupps. although i have no idea why ncc(air) is not joining. batch gonna put up and item and im a npcc-sea girl! yohooo! 3 cheers to the SEA-ssy. but we are gonna rawk. sigh, although i still miss being a rcy. so funnnnnnn i want to tease the ncc....... ):
haha, but i think we should have more inter-ug activities than jus a day where all of us come together. it doesnt really achieve much jus with one day. even if it is one day, we should have it FULL DAY! so we can do more stuff and get to know each other more! (: haha, nvm. i think inter-UG will rawk in the end.

okay! this is a long long post which is going to make up for me not blogging for quite a while. sigh. kk, i should get back to my work. i haven started on anything! and there's so much to do!

Thursday, July 13, 2006
9:52 PM

yes! we finished bio! whee. very very happy. (: ahh finally. although i screwed up the presentation. hiyah. but i really cant be bothered alr.

hmm. interacted with cousins alot this few days. yay i think all my kor kor(s) and jie jie(s) rawk! (: haha. but it's quite shocking to know the age gap between my cousins and me.. but it's really fun talking to them and knowing more stuff from their POV and it's really a new degree of learning-from the more experienced! (:

yay, gb day coming! (: then it means the start of gb fortnight! which means MONEY to count... ahahahahahah.

lol. nvm. im crapping. kae, till nxt time then! (: