.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Thursday, August 31, 2006
8:07 PM

PLATOON OUTING! whee! (: lol. love love echo platoon1! (: and my batch too! (:

okay, so after tchers day, i chiong down to sthildas! (: whee. saw mr koh, mr soong, and chen lao shi! lol, mr soong got so much white hair now loh. XD and saw quite a few of my primary school classmates: jourdan, joy, chuan yi, jeremy tan, jeremy yap, michelle wong, huikiat! lol. hopefully i didnt miss out any. yea. hahaha. all of them look so grown up now, compared to the last time! and i managed to talk abit to everyone, except for huikiat! i realised i didnt get to say a HELLO to him at all. i jus SAW him and then left. lol. but he looks the same, jus that more mature. eh. hmm.

waited at sthildas for marcus to come.. his sch ended so late. was supposed to reach lido by 1, but then we were still at shps at 12.40. LOL. (: ahh. then actually wanted to cab down, but then jonathan sir said take our time, so we decided to not waste money to cab. (: yea. oh and i realised marcus has this really cool apple strap thing! XD haha. yea, so both of us arrived fashionably late (tsk marcus. all your sch's fault), although we were in time for the movie. yup, so then we bought tickets for monster house! hahaha. then we drew tickets. (: at first was sitting beside eugene and sir, but then we changed it, hehe, cos i don really like my sitting! XD so yea, sat beside marcus and cher-e then. haha. then me and cher-e started being lame.

this is what happened: me and cher-e started a "let's get to know each other session" and we started talking like weirdos! and the whole plt started to "not know" us. heh. but it entertained our plt okay! lol. but plt was so funny during the movie. keep saying i can be like the girl riding tricycle.

lol, so after the movie, we went to esplanade. to take photos. how cool right. so we slacked inside the esplanade (got air con), yup, and we took photos! yea. and alicia and i provided entertainment by reacting the whole batch tcher's day skit! (: we rawk. hahahaha. though it was really LAME. yea, so we chatted there until arnd 6? haha. then we walked to bugis to have dinner. (: yea, then after dinner we went home. lol, our platoon got alot of pple living in the east! got me, chin boon sir, eugene and marcus. haha. although marcus doesnt really stay very in the east. i would consider it more centralised. (:

haha, my batch rawked tchers day performance! everyone laughed at us. (:

yay! today is such a great day! (:

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
7:36 PM

"Collapsing was much softer, still, falling hurts the most."

hah. how much longer can i hold it in? it's closing in now, so quickly. im escaping, but it's trapping me in so tightly. arghh. today's really bad. chem started of with me not understanding what he was saying and my chem file splitting, causing all my notes to fall out. then math. i cant believe math assignment slipped off my mind, i forgot to do it, how great. yay. but luckily mrs ang didnt want it today. (: hehe. okay then came recess, whee. bought myself new chem file. okay then came philo! haha, both blocks cheered me up alot! lol. then chi. ): got SA back, and i almost failed. haiz. then lunch! but ms siow took it away for physics. so lunch was gone. arghh and right after lunch was eng expo test! and lunch was robbed away! tsk. lol. then eng. got brain block. ahh. think i wrote out of point. lol. and then RS! (: wheee... slackk block in the canteen. lol, carmen was so funny can. she went to feed the BIRD. lol. and the bird flew away so quickly over
a group of girls that they screamed. tsk carmen. haha.

"Life's a show, and sadly, we're the cast."

well, so my day was rather uneventful. was feeling so tired. so i took out my happy mask and hid my true self behind it. isnt life jus like that? arent we the puppets of this whole play most of the time? haha. then i happily dragged myself up for exco meeting. (: okay, was really looking forward to it cos my batch jus RAWKS! they are always there no matter what happens, so they really made me feel alot better. it's really like when the sky falls, they will hold it up for you! (: okay then exco meeting ended. went home with grace where we discussed cantata, camp and farewell! XD

"I'm the playwright of my show, I call the shots here."

how i wished i can say that with faith. yet it's so hard sometimes, with so many things pulling me down. it's harder to stand firm now. there are so many reasons for me to give up, but yet, im not going to. (: somehow i wish she would not view academics of so high importance, cos in the end, she's the one who's going to be really disappointed, not me. i do view my studies seriously, i do, really. but shining for HIM is just as important. it has made my commitment list long ago lah. and you of all pple should know that once i really get involved in something i wont not give in that much effort jus so that i cant get a good gpa score.

"Pouring raindrops back into the clouds."

it will jus be so unfair. esp since i found a purpose in serving. after 3 years, it's my batch's turn. no way am i going to not contribute or contribute lesser just because my grades arent as perfect as you want them to be. the thing that i really cant get over with is that my marks arent really that bad to me! okay, i admit malay is. but then that isnt my mt in the first place!

"In riddles and in rhymes"

cant wait for term to close. (: then i can sort out everything again in preparation for a brand new term! THANK YOU TWIN FOR being so funny!! (: haha. i will buy you a very nice xmas present and write you more nice testis (:

Monday, August 28, 2006
10:51 PM

hmm. okay. week 10 yay! (: lessons passed as normal, but hist was a free block! (: okay, then laine and i were eating sweets. lol. then i started getting high. lol. sugarrush. tsk laine, all her fault. hehe. but sweets were very nice. okay, then had bio. ahh. he soo boring de! ): was trying so hard to keep awake. yay, then math. (: was rather fun today. grp work for most of the lesson.

then after sch GB! (: whee!! okay, although my batch was seriously unprepared. ): the teachers told us last min that they wont be down, so that would mean that badgework was cancelled since badgework is taken by the tchers. and also devotion, as we were left in our squads to discuss the gospel of peace. but devotion wasnt that bad, since we had a topic to work on. (: ahh, and my batch had tcher's day full dress rehearsal today! so that would mean that there would be no seniors there to lead the coy can! LOL. haha. and me and alicia jus skipped the whole rehearsal cos we couldnt leave if not no tchers and no seniors, i don know how we can carry on a meeting. lol.

lol, so after that.. came DRILL. whoa. i almost went crazy. hahah. cos alicia went off to our batch to get pple to come back to help take drill. and it so happened that they were doing the skit at that time, so they kinda stayed there for like 30 mins?!?!? leave me with the whole coy! lol. so i entertained them for like 5 mins, then ran out of stuff to entertain them alr. yea. i think i rawk, cos all the juniors were laughing. (:

okay, so then, i decided that stoning wasnt a good thing, so i told everyone to get onto the netball courts to do DRILL! yea! so that was what happened. i commanded 4 contingents, of different drill levels. yea. i was soo confused at the end of the first 10 mins. i was doing fall-in procedure+ long commands + short commands + static drill all at one go. LOL. i think i simply rawk. (: yea.

lol, so after half an angonising hour later, my oh-so-wonderful batchmates decided to come back! okay, only niel, mich and alicia did. but they saved my life lah. cos i was really so confused that the sec 1s were telling me that i can don drill them first. x.x yea. so then drill functioned normally again! (: whee. i think my sec2s rawks. although really sorry for all the wrong commands given. XD

okay, then refreshments and vesper! (: haha. and we released them early cos there wasnt anything else to do. yay. finally, i went for our rehearsal. lol. (: and it's going to rawk. haha. (: the sch better laugh on thurs if not we are going to feel so malulated. haha. XD yay, so that concluded my high and confused and happy day! (:

Saturday, August 26, 2006
7:19 PM

whee! (: today is PROMOTION AND DEDICATION 2006! (:

haha. okay, we went to sch for batch meeting in the morning! haha. practiced our tcher's day skit and had polished boots as a batch! hahah. it seriously was a very very good batch bonding time. XD okay, then we decided to order in KFC for lunch. (: good life right? but the bill was $52! x.x so we paid $5.80 which was rather reasonable i suppose. heheh. had alot of fun eating as a batch! go batch! love ya! (: haha, BUT, we couldnt finish the all the food. hmm.... and guess what. SHARON happened to be in school. heheh, so we being the VERY NICE, gave sharon our nuggets and coleslaw. XD okay, a better word for "gave" would be "forced". (: sharon tried paying us, but we wouldnt accept. so in the end we came to a compromise, which is that the nxt time her batch has too much food and donates it to us, we would accept it without paying her. lol. (:

okay so after our oh-so-wonderful batch morning, we quickly changed into our uniform and went for P&D. yea. we got there on time. and then it all started. hahaha. CPL and SGT and SSG. and not forgetting the highest rank/honour a cadet can achieve: the PBB! yay! haha. we have 9 PBB this year, out of the 80 PBB in singapore. pro right? haha. but but, the BEST BEST news is that we have 5 PBB with DISTINCTION out of the 21 that achieved distinction. gosh. i think batch06 simply rawk. my sec4s are the best. (: haha. other coys only max 3 pbb with dist, but we have 5. whee! i want to be a PBB nxt yr! haha, but of course must get my SSG first. (: then hopefully can get PBB with dist. then it would be the best audieu i can get from gb if i don join post-sec.

haha. okay. so that was basically P&D for me this yr. (: shall end off with what i found was very meaningful today for me. (: It's really very very true.

"Commitments are not emotions.
Commitments are never based on abilities.
Commitments always depends on choice, never conditions."

Thursday, August 24, 2006
11:14 PM

"Tears are the words that the heart can't say".

whee! (: tmr's p&d! yay, our promotion finally. (:

okay thursday has been rather fulfuiling to me cos i had quite abit of time to catch up onwork! lol. 3 more working sch days and it's the sept hols! (: im pretty looking forward to them! yay.

lol. although we have so many pts to do. ): got ss, physics, hist and chem. ): and still got math and philo test to study for. blehh.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
9:53 PM

oh my oh my oh my. i have seriously, totally and officially gone mad. i mean it. i mean. im like FEELING the PINCH of batch06 being taken away. like NOW. when handover was 23 days ago. how crazy am i? i seriously think im undergoing some unstability in my mental state of emotions. ahhh. i want my sec4s back...... goodness. and our batch song is stuck to my head, and the last time we came tgther and sing it was like JUNE. see how mentally unstable i am now? lol, i don know whether to look forward to farewell or not. i don want them to officially pass out, but i cant wait for the performances by our batch! XD

yay week 9! (: haha, one more week till end of term 3! (: hahahah. yay. okay. im quite high after gb. then went for malay. which cikgu was being quite nice. haha. he made us do so much writing activities today. blehh. XD

whee! cant wait for CANTATA at the end of the yr! haha. MUST COME OKAY! it will totally rawk! (: haha, hopefully alot of pple will turn up. then it will be a success! but then again. any gb production is a success alr. XD to me at least, cos we really do put in alot of effort!

lol. okay, chi pt ended. so glad. although it was abit screwed for transition. blehhh. but nvm lah. hahaha. yikai was soo guy-looking in my hoodie. hahaha go yikai the little boy! (:

oh yea, our batch is going to perform for tchers day loh! haha. im going to be so embarrassed! lol. cos we are really very LAME! not that that is a bad thing. haha, i love all our lame and corny performances. but this time is in front of the WHOLE school. lol. okay. me and bj were saying that we are going to get our classmates to get us packed recess/lunch for 2 weeks after tchers day, cos we will be so embarrassed. lol. XD the sch better get our jokes mann.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
5:30 PM

whee! haha. okay. so happy thay chi indiv pt is OVER! (: okay, i shall blog about day 2-4 of national camp 06 now! (: haha. day 1 is somewhere like 2 days ago i think. XD

okay, we reported at 6.30am. haha, day 2's itinerary is PAINTBALL, MOUNTAIN BIKING EXPEDITION, KAYAKING and DRAGON BOAT! hahaha. very very fun!

okay so after we ate breakfast, which was western on day 2, we started paintball! paintball in the army is so organised and disciplined if that is the right word. cos you have to line up in rows of 10 then walk in this order
ly fashion to sit down on the benches to wait for your turn to shoot at the dummy-targets. hahaha, firing was so funny. everyone had to listen to the command, then pick up the guns together, remove the stoppers together and then wait for the command then can fire. lol. after that you have to listen to the command again and walk off in a straight line again. lol. felt like i was a prisoner waiting to be interrogated. XD okay, then we shoot at the houses, sigh. wasnt fun. paintball during march camp last yr was so much better as we got to shoot again each other so it was like a stimulated war-game. heh. CAPTURE THE FLAG!

hmm, then after paintball we had mountain biking expedition. lol. it was arnd 5 km. and my partner was jn. alicia partnered geraldine. and both amelina and adeline didnt do it cos they didnt know how to bike. aww. so sad. yea. haha. and then we stopped at our first station to play platoon games! (: they split up us into 2 smaller groups and the games was to stack our shoes up as high as possible but stable at the same time. yea, our grp lost the height section, cos the other grp had someone with BOOTS! and 1 m
ore pair of shoes. yea. hahaha. but we won the stability part. (:

yup, after lunch ECHO COY went KAYAKING and DRAGON BOAT-ing! haha. okay kayaking. was tiring and was seriously pissed at the end of kayaking. heh. cos i kept getting caught in the crossfire of water fights! arghh. the boys kept splashing water lah. so stupid. it's like they are attacking each other, but cos rafted up then i was in the middle then keep getting wet. ): heh. but so glad i didnt get fibre glass cuts. geraldine got ALOT, seriously, then amelina also had quite alot, and jn and alicia all
had some. ouch. heh. im so lucky. (:

okay, then went back to change for the opening ceremony at night. yea. BB piped!! ahhh. how come nvr ask us to pipe or drum!!! haha. okay, echo coy was isolated at the other end of the beach so yea, didnt really get to see the performance. we jus chatted and i got a nice green lightsticks! i love light sticks! (: okay, im weird.

then after performance we went back, had supper an
d went to bed! (:


radio-controlling and line-controlling was basically controlling the flight of a toy plane with lines or the radio. the line one was fun!! haha, turn and turn round in circles to watch/control the plane. (: radio controlling was cool too! (: the sir could do alot of stunts. pro

okay then came field cooking which was enjoyable except for the briefing part. whoosh. the lady who briefed us was the STRICTEST mdm in the camp i bet. so scary de. haha. and she wouldnt let us choose our own groups for cooking. but i suppose she had her reasons lah, like maybe all the girls will be in a grp then all the guys will be in a grp. haha, then guys usually don know how to cook very well de mah (no offence). so yah. she chose our grpings. whee! but so happy i got jn. (: okay so we made pizza bread and cupcakes. eh. the fire-starting was fuuny. everyone was fanning so furiously. (: then the whole place was so smoky. okay then baked the food. our cupcakes ended up 'chao-ta' the bottom. not bad right. hahahah (;

after lunch we went to do SOC, rappelling and archery. wahh. did SOC first. haha. it was rather fun for all the stations except the balancing beam one. ): ahh... hahaha, was so so scared. was supposed to walk up this steps thing, then balanced yourself through the logs then jump down at the end of it. haha. the steps thing was so SCARY! ): haha, but then alvin sir helped me lah. alvin sir so nice! was seriously freaked out and was crying haha, but i still finished it lah. yay, thank you sir! cos he let me hold his wrist if not i wouldnt have dared to continue walking. whee. okay, but then i jumped down at the wrong place at the end. was supposed to jump off at the sand pit part but was so scary that i jus jumped off at the grass patch. heh. got "scolded" by alicia jn they all, say i very dumb. haha, but what i can say when i really freaked! lol

okay, then rappeling and archery! archery was super cool!!!!! hahaha. okay jus shoot shoot the arrow but jonathan sir very funny. his own shooting skills not that good still dare laugh at us. huh. haha. lol.

okay then came in the part where it pissed all the rgs pple in my echo1 platoon off. the mdm oic was so irresponsible. i pity all the s
irs that had to work with her for the camp. argh. okay. nvm. then the closing ceremony of camp and campfire. haha. camp opens and closes in 1 day. yea. so there was alot of performances and fun. but our acho platoon 1 was quite busily talking at the back. hahaha, about tommy and ahem. hehe. oh yea, and eugene the guy who went to wear my hairband. he picked it up somewhere and then i realised it was mine. lol. haha, and realised we had a monkey in the platoon. (: laughed soooo hard at him. okay i was mean. but he really looked like one. XD

yup, so campfire went on for arnd 3 hrs.. haha. and th
en eugene keep saying we(rgs girls) very scary. cos our cheers are low. and he kept asking us for demo. haha. we did demo in the end, during the pass-it-on song. hahahaha. (: then after campfire we went to have echo platoon 1 time! played polar bear. hehehehehe, was the polar bear. so funnyyy. okay then took PHOTOS! which i shall put them here.

whee! echo platoon 1!

the 5 of us!

12:39 AM

whoosh. now is 12.34am haha. and im still stuck with chi. (: hehe. finishing soon though. ahh. so hard to write.

hahaha. jonovan said he don like shirley(shld be spelt like that) but i don believe him loh.. during campfire night eugene say he wanted her number! haha, and jonovan admitted it lah. heheheh. nc-o6 echo platoon 1 got quite a few budding pairs eh. hahah. got tommy and _ _ _ _ _ _ and jonovan and her. hahahaha. kk, alicia don kill me okay? i know you think only enormous is cute. hehe. (: so funny. hehe jonovan said he went to tell his frens that i said monkey looks like monkey and his frens almost died laughing. hehe. but he really looks like the monkey in lion king! jus that with specs but it makes him more monkey-ish! hehe. his face is really hilarious. (: ahhh. miss echo platoon 1!

hahaha, yay alvin sir said he would give me chevrons!! whee! (: they have soo many chevrons okay! not like gb. hehe. so cool to have so many! i love chevrons! makes me feel very important. hehe. (: lol.

haha, okay, i shall go back to chi pt! (: gambete to myself!

Sunday, August 13, 2006
10:53 PM

whoa. jus came back from national camp 2006! (:

it seriously rawked. Echo company Platoon 1; my one and only 1!

haha, okay except for some pple whom i shall leave them out. heh. (:

whee! haha, okay, we reported at gbhq at 7!!! mdm collected all our phones. ): haha. then told us all the usual rules lah. after that we were driven to the camp site. hahaha, i must say we were rather productive during our bus ride. heh. zoe, alicia and me did camp comm 2007 tentative members as well as sorted out what events we are going to lead for the nxt yr. (: haha. i hope we rawk nxt yr. okayokay. im digressing. yea.

so after i suppose like 1/2 an hour later, we reached the PASIR LEBA CAMPSITE. did i spell it correctly? yup, then i was sorted out to ECHO COMPANY PLATOON ONE! (: okay, and guess what?? i got ALICIA, JIN NING, AMELINA and GERALDINE in my platoon too! haha, so lucky right? i didnt even expect to be in a same coy as 1 rgs girl loh, haha, so i was very very happy when i got 4! (: haha. my overall i/c was mdm lydia, my platoon leaders were robin sir, jonathan sir and chin boon sir! (: hahaha. my CSMs were all called terrence so mdm lydia called them the T1 and T2.

okay, so after that we were given our goodie bag which contained alot alot of stuff. yea, and then we walked all the way to the girls' bunk which was at block M. the guys were at block J. heh. yea, our bunk was at the 5th level room 7. my bunk pple were jin ning, amelina, geraldine, alicia, adeline (not the rgs one), azizah, jiayi, brenda, shirley(i don know how to spell her name) and of course me! total of 10. we had alot of time to unpack and we chatted abit lah. and the bunk is so spacey! (: and comfortable too!

okay we had lunch. although the cookhse 3 was seriously PACKED. 2 coys tgther loh. 1 coy 6 platoon with 1 platoon arnd 30 pple. wahhh. do the math. anw. lunch wasnt bad, although the uncles and aunties really give alot of food leh. hehe. eat until all of us all bloated.

then after lunch we had our first activity of the day! (: we did rock climbing, street soccer, frisbee and indoor challenge. yea. street soccer wasnt particularly enjoyable for me lah, haha, cos i not very cut out to play soccer lah, so unlike the boys in my team. hehe. but well done anyway, they managed to score without the girls' help. (: *applause!* yup, the frisbee didnt go very well too, cos the wind kept blowing the frisbee off course. rock climbing was okay. and indoor challenge was jus to pass some obstacle course thing which was rather fun but lame at the same time. heh.

then dinner. dinner more or less the same, jus that there was lesser pple. okay, then SHOWER time. yea, the thing that gets tiddy really high. okay, although tiddy didnt shower cos tiddy figured there wasnt any point in doing so as we were most likely going to get sweaty again later. and also because there was going to be firedrill and it would only leave us with 15 min to shower. haha. so yea, surprise surprise for someone so clean and didnt shower when the chance came.

okay, then campers night. it was basically mingle mingle mingle. haha. got to know my platoon mates' names. hehe. then we played DOUBLE WHACKO! heh, tommy very funny. lol, cos he was the whacker, then someone keep calling tommy tommy tommy, then tommy said "tommy what tommy lah, i tommy leh" then whack him on the head. LOL. this is what happens when you don know other pple name except for tommy's. yea. and i didnt get called at all, cos pple all cant get my name. heh. (:

okay, then we were released for the night. went to SHOWER. yea. by then i was really looking forward to it. (: okay. nvm. then went to sleep.

--- end of day 1---

okay, that was really really long for 1 day. i shall blog about day 2 another time! (:

Thursday, August 03, 2006
5:52 PM

ahh... look up at the stars!

okay, im being random. and today is thursday, almost 3 days has past since handovel on monday. ): and i desperately miss the sec4s! ahh.

well, handover went well! haha, and we all had good food for refreshments!!! whee! cos AGAPE was on duty! yay, VAL, JOLYN and SHANA! (: hmm, then we handed over to our new leaders! hahaha, i had alot of fun handing over to gladys! (: well, though a larger portion of fun came from picking presents for her. XD uhh, then came the passing of the colours! will miss trinity'06, they are really an INTERESTING combination, with lina who is slightly CRAZY, margie who is nuts about DISNEY and of course michelle who is, like amelia always says, an ANGEL! haha. (: