.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Thursday, September 07, 2006
9:47 AM

argh. okay. shall blog about my wed and thurs.

had bio extra classes on wed. sigh. as usual, mr tee gave us his usual lecture lah. ): and then there is this girl from alicia's class who is SO WEIRD. i mean, the ppt slides are okay! tsk. and mr tee was so nice okay, changing the colours of the ppt for her. LOL everyone can see loh, don know why she cannot see. i think she makes the weirdest comment. -.-'' if his ppt turns to black and white, it's her fault. tsk. and mr tee sounded really disappointed too. BLEH. XD

haha. then we had nat camp plt online crapping session at night! hahaha. yea. (: LOL i pity jonovan loh, they tease him so much. hehehehehe. but it was rather fun watching. (: then there was eugene&jonovan's funny camp song. hahaha. eugene and alicia were like doing a duet! eugene started off with one line then alicia continued. hahaha, though i want to ask "alicia when did you betray gb and join the ncc youths!!" was so funny, chin boon sir couldnt take it, cos the "ncc youths", as they called themselves, were insulting the BB.

WHEE okay thurs. (: went to assisi home and hospice. the kids were cute! haha. the old folks were pretty nice too. we played monopoly with them for an hour plus. wahh, it was pretty tiring speaking so much dialect. then i went over to the kids section and celebrated Leo's (the little boy) birthday! so cool! haha. then i saw this really really really really really CUTE LITTLE BOY!!!!! hahaha. he wore a red cap and looks really cute in it! XD

okay then left the centre and went to j8 to go home! haha, but bought a sock for my mp3. hehe. my first present for myself this holz! (: although very small but still very happy. LOL. and guess what, it's GREEN BLACK WHITE in colour. wahahaha, so loyal to RAFFLES right? (: hmm, when i first entered rg, thought green black white as sch colours was a really funny combi, but now i think it RAWKS. whee! RAFFLES ICHIBAN! (:

okay, i have officially gone nuts, but then rg rawks! (: whee!! blehh XD okay, shall go do the numerous pts now!

Saturday, September 02, 2006
7:48 PM

... yet in the end, things would never be the same!

lol. today's so boring. there's absolutely nothing interesting to do at home! arghh.. hate it. blehh. today's agenda was to study acids bases salts so that i can do my chem pt. but progress is so excruciatingly slowwwww..

and im blogging cos i have nth else to do to entertain myself. argh. i have even swapped phones with my bro! this shows the extent of my boredom. ): and im starting to feel stony.. ):

oh no. this is doing no good to me to make me feel more hyped up. so goodbye blog. i wish there wasnt so much pt to do in this hols. ):