.theodora koh.


girls' brigade.agape.shirim.batch'07 areille.
harry potter!
blue, green, black&sliver!

Sunday, November 19, 2006
8:35 PM

okay, anw, since i blogged about cantata alr. i shall briefly go through all the stuff that happened these full months. well of course the pts and eoys were over, but the best thing was, WE WON NETBALL CARN! hahaha. LOVE MY CLASS! haha, but i was really nervous during the games. was so scared that the person defending me has a violent streak or something. hehe.

okay, then there was CLASS CHALET. hahaha. found out that yikai is scared of listening to ghost stories! *laughs* way unexpected. then we celebrated YAN's birthday. haha.

yup, that's the 2 major class things i guess. oh and well of course all the various class outings. (:

7:57 PM

whoa! i finally found the time to blog. *pats myself on the back and beams real wide*

anyway, cantata was yesterday! i tell you, we rawk. (: haha. it was wonderful. seeing those pple out there, watching our musical and hearing the gospel, it was really brillant. I don't know how much it impacted others, but at least they had the chance! and even though the play wasnt perfect, it was really the best given the amount of time we had!!

hmm, in the morning, woah. everyone came in really comfy wear! hahaha. but they just forgot that roll call cant be done in slippers!!! yea, so many did barefooted. so amusing to see that. i love love love 45TH!

okay then came all the tech run and i stuck all the candy canes!! although alicia laughed at me for sticking them the wrong way at first (not my fault okay, i was too engrossed in others matters), but it was FINALLY DONE! there were arnd 400 booklets, i was positive that i was going blind, considering the ks chee was so dark. yea.

yup, then when to settle the shirts with HILARY! hil jus rawks!!!lol. but serious. then finally came the afternoon show. we were rather unprepared as we were behind time. and i was rushing arnd like a mad person trying to settle last minute stuff like $$ hahaha. oh and i went to cut leaves off random trees in the sch cos our leaves were dried up alr. :D

afternoon show was okay i suppose, just small accidents here and there. then it was finally the NIGHT SHOW. gosh, i was nervous like crazy for the night one. cos the tickets sale was full house. but then... ELAINE AND YAN AND YIKAI cheated my feelings.. say they would come then didnt come. haha. but denise, isa, bocky and of course the all-so-ego jinning came! (:

yet, the best part was...... the SENIORS! haha. like senior xinyee who is in uni came! haha, although with HER senior whom is really ancient. gosh. but the more recent seniors are like '05 trinity, '06 trinity and charissa. oh and also most of batch'06 turned up! (: seniors rawk.

heh, then nat camp plt mates came too! tgther with sir. haha. courtesy of alicia! who went ALL THE WAY to invite them. (ps. but i paid for their tickets first, haha.) hmm. yup, but then donovan the jonovan didnt turn up. tsk. haha, and they were nice enough to wait for me after cantata. (:

we really had a wonderful time! haha. and JUDITH was soooo cute! although she made me soooo red in the face can. haha. but she was JUST SO CUTE!!! haha. along with zhen er's brother. hahahahahaha, i think zhen er's brother is scared of me now. cos i kept telling him how cute he was and in the end he ran to zhen er. lol. ahhh, but basically, all the little kids were so adorable!

and of course, the sec 4 seniors must be thanked profusely. michelle, margie, val, lianne, charissa and hilary. they simply are the best! (: ESP michelle who was the assistant stage manager. without her right, i think i would have fainted. haha, okay, maybe not that exaggerated. but it's there lah, she really really is the very very very nice senior (: hehe. all in all, i love my seniors! haiz

okay, i shall end my really long post (sufficient to make up the long time that i haven blogged). and tmr i have to start WEP. ): till nxt time, canTATA!